We love to visit the Norskfolkmuseum but rarely get out there. We are still discovering new things in the place. Like this lady quietly knitting in one of the cabins -- how's that for a summer job!

And I don't know how I ever missed it before: the weaver's shop. Really, all things fiber, and lots more than just knitting. There were old spinning wheels and huge looms (both of which I failed to get pictures of) and some great displays on lesser-known fiber crafts:
Nålbinding, which I think ususally looks a little stiff and awkward like this:
but can also look soft and airy and beautiful like this:
I wish I'd bought the learn-to-nålbind kit. For that matter, I wish I'd bought the learn-to-use a knitty noddy (knitting nancy, strikkelise). As it is, I saw this display:
and bought just the knitty noddy, thinking "hey the internet is a big place, I'm sure there's good instructions somewhere..." Well, sometimes even Google can't help you, and you know how it's harder to find things in a really big place sometimes? If anyone has any pointers to online tutorials or anything, please share.