I'm in UR stash kn1tting UR n0r0

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March is the New February

I just couldn't resist finishing one more February project, even though it bled over into March. This, of course, made me behind on the March project, but more about that later. For now: Longies! 

Knit with Filatura Di Crosa Zarina. Usually I don’t choose varigated colors like this, but the yarn was so soft and squishy I was temporarily blinded. I ran out of the yarn on the longies and the store didn’t have any of the same dyelot, so I chose a pink varigation that matched the green of the blue/purple varigation, and used them in stripes on the legs and straight pink on the feet.

with matching BSJ

 The feet turned out really huge, but I think she’ll grow into them (given the genetic evidence).

like a little easter bunny
All in all, I liked many qualities of the yarn. It's soft and smooth, mega squishy and springy. It stretches to accomodate huge diaper butt. The color I chose is just a little loud.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Episode 3: Revenge of the Baby Sweater

I was delighted to knit this sweater again. The first time I used a heavier yarn and modified the stitch count a bit. This time I used a DK (and on the skinny side, even for DK) and it turned out a great 3 - 6 month size. My daughter is about 1 month old, and it is still a little large on her.


I do like this pattern. It's pretty easy (once you are used to EZ's general "pithy" style). The only thing I had a problem with was making up the sleeves. First I just sewed the edges along the perimeter: the initial stitches together, then extra cast-on stitches to extra cast-on stitches, and then arm edges to arm edges. And as you can see this made a pretty stupid looking silhouette there. On my second try, I gathered up the extra cast-on stitches and sewed them to the body. This makes a normal-looking sleeves and more ease in the underarm area. Surely this is what EZ intended, and maybe I'm just an idiot for doing it wrong the first time. But I know I'm not the only one who finds her directions "open for interpretation", so I hope this might help someone else.


I didn't have an opportunity to run out for the perfect button, so the button stash had to do. The contrast of the oatmeal color of the button is perhaps a little strong, but it went nicely with the burgundy and matches the natural colored soakers that usually grace the bottom half of my model.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

February Episode 2: Attack of the Blankie

The February chapter held one large project, a square shawl, which turned into a blanket because I opted for stripes instead of a lace motif. If I had thought to look ahead to April and see that whole month is a blanket project, I think I would have chosen to ditch the square shawl and try the double knitting project. But we've been using the blanket quite a lot, so I guess I don't really regret it. I knit it somewhat smaller than suggested, EZ suggests 800 stitches (knit in the round), but I stopped at about 500. It's a fine size for covering up a baby in a sling as we walk around in the chilly spring air.

I like how the corners turned out, with the color from one stripe sort of travelling up to the next stripe. I used recylced yarn, and yarn from my Modern Lace Henley, and the purple was left over from child's boot socks. Can you spot the non-matching dye lot? The very last row of purple doesn't quite match!

The knit-on garter stitch border felt like it took forever, and I forgot the miter the corners. But I think it turned out fine anyway.

It's simple, but quite pretty I think.

No really, she loves it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. P4trix

Here's a cheer for all that's green and lovely--


Happy St. Patrick's Day

Monday, March 9, 2009

Episode 1: The Moth Menace, director's cut

Casualties in the Moth War:

These booties were rendered completely useless, but the cap needed only minor repairs.

The sole of one bootie was completely chewed off by the buggers.

And Ruby's BSJ needs repairs...

...as seen in March 2005... now there is a hole in the sleeve and on the button placket :( We'll see how the repair process goes.

I now keep a sharp look out in my stash for the signs (which for me was never an actual moth, just eggs and little webby stuff). Also, any yarn acquired from a non-standard source gets The Treatment in the freezer. Moths are a social disease... take precautions... stay safe!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

February Episode 1: The Moth Menace

I had less time to knit this month than anticipated... well, perhaps I should have anticipated that...

There were a lot of little projects in the February chapter of The Knitter's Almanac. I skipped the double knitting project (which is suggested as an exercise in double knitting, with possible products being a pot holder, baby changing pad, or cozy baby bag.) I opted not to do this one, because I thought it was only marginally interesting. I was going to pick it up if I ended the month with knitting time left over. Which, of course, I didn't.

First I started with the pants project. EZ calls them longies, but I made three "shortie" versions to act as diaper covers. Late last year as I brought out the long-stored baby things, I made a harsh discovery: my nice wool diaper covers had been invaded and chewed up by the evilest of little buggers. I actually had to throw away four covers, and repaired a few others. Surprisingly, our japanese wool wraps were untouched.

The purple pair was actually knit back in December -- cheater, I know. Yarn: Campolmi R. Filati Tundra bought at Sofie's new store. Nice and thick, but the wool had to be relanolized. Overall, I liked the pattern, but I felt the short row shaping in the butt was not wholely adequate, and not nicely executed. EZ says just knit 5, turn, knit 10, turn, knit 15, turn, etc, which leaves little hiccups in the fabric. If I had to do it again, I would do the nice wrap-and-turn method.


The next two were knit from Leine Merino lanolicious yarn, bought at my first ever visit to the Oslo Husfliden. The smaller one has a plucky little cable on the side, but is sort of thin and small. Perfect for the newborn, but at one month old, she's already outgrown it. The larger one was knit with the yarn held double and never lets a leak through. I neglected the eyelets because I don't really like having a drawstring, but I wish I'd knit it in 1x1 rib instead of 2x2. 

I had plans to knit the full Longie pattern, in the same yarn as the BSJ at the beginning of this post, but it has not yet come to fruition. I'll keep knitting on it while I contemplate yarn for the March project.

coming up next: February Episode 2: Attack of the Blankie