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ColourMart Swatches: Silk
A couple of weeks ago I got the samples package from ColourMart and I've been happily swatching ever since. I had heard there would be a marked difference in some of the yarns pre- and post-washing, so I took pictures before and after. I could tell with some of the yarns, and not so much with others.
First, the yarn I actually ordered: 100% silk laceweight in silver. This is one section repeat of the center of the pattern I'm planning to use. Prewashed. I used 2.0 mm needles. This yarn is tiny! It's really smooth and slippy. I anticipate it will drape gorgeously.
This is after a light washing with a very mild soap, and blocking. The size didn't change much compared to the first pre-wash pinning out. The color is gorgeous and shiny. Reminds me of my Russian Blue cats in the sunshine.
This is the 100% crunchy silk, 5/20NM color: granite mix. And the name says it all, this stuff is crunchy. Stiff and ... kind of scratchy, but scratchy like a loofa, not like itchy. ColourMart suggests use for outer garments, and I agree.
Post-washing and blocking, size didn't change much, and it did not bloom. I experimented with different stitched in the swatch. To the left is seed stitch, then a cable. I also tried plain stockinette and a 1x1 rib. I think I liked the seed stitch best.
This is pre-washing 100% smooth silk 8/28NM color: citron. I loved this yarn. So smooth and shiny to the point of sparkling.
After the wash, the fabric didn't change much, no blooming. But it was just gorgeous. I tried a lacey bit of the swatch and a cabely bit. Both worked nice, but the cable was particularly nice because it highlighted the sheen of the yarn.
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