Problems... big problems in lace land. I got a snag last night. A huge snag. I managed to work some of it back in, but it's still a loop about 15 cm long. I'm hoping I'll be able to work it back in during blocking. In the meantime, I'm having a small heartattack.
I also dropped a stitch somewhere, and discovered it about 30 rows down when I was trying to work back in the snag. I managed to pull it up, but I had to get creative.

Third major issue: while I was downloading these pictures, my toddler gleefully exclaimed that she was knitting... the lace. I turned to see she'd pull a whole section off the needles and it took me about 45 minutes to get all the stitches back on properly.

Lastly, some dramatic numb3rs: 24 sections, 35 stitches each = 840 stitches per round. According to my calcuations (based on high-tech chart square counting), the inner chart equalled 7,936 stitches, and the outer section as far as I've gotten is 36,384, for a total of 44,320 stitches so far. Out of a goal of 110, 928. Shitzor. I'm not even 1/2 way done.